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Valentine's Day Idea & Experience

Valentine's Day Idea & Experience

Valentine's Day Idea & Experience


There's often a lot of pressure to find the perfect Valentine's Day gift for your significant other. If you're searching for a gift that's not over-the-top but also is a unique & meaningful one that you both can experience with racing hearts, consider offering him a shave experience with you as the barber! 

Try purchasing a razor, shave cream brush and shaving cream application that you know he will love. To make this gift even MORE memorable, insist that you take the lead honour of shaving him yourself. This will not only better his trust in you as a companion, but it will also create a more intimate occasion that he will enjoy & relish. 

If you're really confident, try using an ole fashion double edge razor as your 
tool of choice. Slow gentle strokes and careful precision will need to be applied. This ceremony and session should not be rushed and by taking your time this shave experience will surely be a memorable one & make his heart race. 

If you're looking for a great shaving cream this time of year our Wintergreen and Bondi Beach Batches are both whipped and made with strong notes of cool mint. It might be the perfect aroma after a steamy hot shower!

Let us know how the shave goes and share your experience!! 





Evoke a sense of tradition & nostalgia performing a true gentleman's morning ritual. 

#valentinesdayshave #thisisthecelebrationofmanhood #shavingcreamery 
#meetthemaker #lutherlather #luxeshavecream #giftsformen #giftsforhim #lutherlather #finegrooming #lutherlathershavingcreamery #luxeshave #wetshave #shavingbrush #luxurymens #mensluxurycollection #shaving


Premium skincare creams /  morning grooming regimes / Royal Shave 
luxurious butter Gentlemen sophisticated / Collection of Handsome